
_Please join us by becoming a member of the Northwest Oral History Association

NOHA is an all-volunteer, 501c (3) organization, founded in 1985. We believe that oral history is a valuable method to document community identity and to ensure that many voices are represented in remembering and understanding the past. You can easily find proper examples at the site of our memo writing service. The best ones were already published at

Our focus is Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Northern California and Alaska. Our members include interviewers, transcribers, archivists, photographers, filmmakers and researchers. We welcome everyone who has an interest in oral history.

As a member, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and conferences, attend meet-ups, apply for scholarships, and receive notices about other activities sponsored by NOHA and its associates. Most importantly, membership will connect you with others who share your interest in collecting and preserving historical memories.

May we include you as a member and contributor to oral history? Please complete the information on the form below and return it to us with your membership check so that you can become part of the NOHA network.


INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION (if any)_________________________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________

CITY___________________________  STATE__________________________         ZIP CODE________________

PHONE____________________________________________ EMAIL______________________________

AREAS OF INTEREST______________________________________________________________________

CHECK ONE:  NEW MEMBER__________ RENEWAL___________

CHECK ONE: Individual, one year for $20_______;  Individual, two years for $35_______

NOHA is a 501c (3) organization. All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS Tax Code 170 (c)

I would like to support the work and programs of NOHA with a donation of $________________

Please make checks payable to NOHA and send this form an your check to the address below.

NOHA Membership                                                             

3439 NE SANDY BLVD, #623                                            


QUESTIONS?  Contact Richard Engeman, NOHA Treasurer:  



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